About Us
Maximum Fitness & Performance is located between Industrial Rd. and Bing St. in San Carlos. Our facility is 9800 sq. feet and is dedicated to personal training along with other services such as group aerobics. Meet the owners, Darcy Manlansing and Joey Nava, and our experienced independent trainers/coaches to get you to your health and fitness goals! Established in December 2006, our goal is to dedicate and educate our training of knowledge with you.

Our goal is to motivate you by setting goals and providing feedback and accountability to you. We as trainers here at Maximum also will measure the strengths and weaknesses with fitness assessments. These fitness assessments may also be performed before and after an exercise program to measure your improvements in physical fitness. We will educate you in many other aspects of wellness besides exercise, including general health and nutrition guidelines. Our qualified personal trainers recognize their areas of expertise and can educate you to become a healthier you.
Darcy Manlansing/Owner